A good manager is that person who is able to co-ordinate well between employee and office. Every company have their own guidelines and policies. If they don’t their own guideline and policies than it always leads to mis management between company and employee. For becoming a good manager you must have to assure better understanding between office and employee. If you do wants to become a good manager that there are some tips to follow:-
Six Qualities Which Helps In Becoming Successful and Smart Manager

1. Official Guidelines and Policies:-
        As every office have their own employment policies. These policies are the front face of the company who reflects the actual image of the office to the employee. These rules and regulations are helpful to resolve the problems which occurs at time to time. If there is any provision for training and development program than a new employee can learn a lot about the company.

2. Official Communications:-

        A good manager has to be in constant touch with their colleagues and subordinates. For successful office management you should also know that how to in which way you should communicate with them. To conduct employee meeting once in a week and send them e-mails is also part of the effective official communication.

3. File Management :-

        It’s now always easy to remember all the given assignments and official record of the important document, for that you must assure a proper file management for important work and office files. This will also help you finding old completed assignment and other important files on time.

4. Equipment and Furniture :-

Your office should completed the requirement of necessary office equipments and furniture. If you want your employee to perform well than you must prove them some facilities e.g. Air-conditioner, Fan, Computer etc.

5. Legal Department :-

        Sometime there are many dispute which arise and need legal attention. There must be a legal department which will be take care of any dispute between employee and customer also.

6. Co-ordination:-

        For better office management you have to know each and every single person for the company. You have to know the mission of the company and what business we really are doing, who are our business partner and associates. If a manager knows everything about the company and there business and their people than only he would be able to generate more revenue and make the company profitable.